| | | | | | | | | | | |
| AB 10 Hygiene-Schools |
| Academic Excellence |
| Adapted Physical Education Program |
| AftSchEdu&Safe(ASES)LAB-S |
| Base Cost-Special Day Programs |
| Cafe Supplies-School |
| Cafe Wrkrs School Nutrition Prog-S/B/T-Sch |
| Cafe-FA-FSD-Operation |
| Cafe-Other Exp-Cafe |
| Cafeteria-Facilities-Admin-Schools |
| Cafeteria-Food-School |
| California Farm to School Incubator Program-School |
| Campus Aides-Spec Progs |
| Career & Transition Program |
| CBO-FA-Maint-Drayage |
| CE-NCLB T1 Schools |
| CE-NCLB T1 Sch-Parent Invlmnt |
| CE-TI-Prior Yr Adj |
| Climate Literacy |
| COPS-2023A-Campus Security |
| Edu Eff Summer Professional Development-S |
| ELOP Summer Professional Development |
| Engagement and Collaboration |
| ESSA-TIV-Safe&HlthyEnv-S |
| Extended School Year - ELOG 3219 - School |
| FA-Operations-Sch |
| Fees & Permit - CA Clean Air-Sch |
| Incentive-Brkfst-Discretionary |
| Joy and Wellness |
| K12 Tchr Subs-S/B/M Special Ed |
| Library Resources-ESSER III |
| Local Food for Schools |
| Lump Sum Vac & L/T Illness-Instr |
| Lumpsum Vac & L/T Illness-Non Instructional |
| M & O Support Sp Ed Schs |
| Maintenance - Cafe Schools |
| Medi-Cal LEA Serv Provider-Sch |
| Mental Health CPD Project-US DepEd-S |
| MRR20-Facilities Services Division |
| Neglected Children |
| Occupational & Physical Therapy Program |
| Optional Preparation Days-Instructional |
| Optional Preparation Days-Non-Instructional |
| Paid Sick Leave-Part Time Employees-Instruction |
| Prop 28-Arts Program |
| Proportionality-Campus Aides |
| Pupil Transp Exp-Aux-SE-Oth Sc |
| Pupil Transp Exp-Spec Educ Oth |
| Pupil Transp.Exp-Hts-Sped-Ns-H |
| Pupil Transp.Exp-Hts-SpEd-S-Hi |