| | | | | | | | | | | |
| 21CCLC-HS-C00X-BTB-S |
| 21CCLC-HS-C14A-BTB-S |
| AB 10 Hygiene-Schools |
| Academic Excellence |
| Adapted Physical Education Program |
| AftSchEdu&Safe(ASES)LAB-S |
| A-G Access/Success Grant-Central |
| A-G Intervention & Credit Recovery-Schools |
| A-GLearningLossMitigationGrant-Central |
| Athletics School Uniform |
| Beyond the Bell-Credit Recovery-Summer Sch |
| Black Student Achievement Plan/HEET-Schl-ESSER III |
| BSAP Community Partnerships |
| BSAP Community-Based Safety Pilots |
| BSAP Culturally Responsive Unit Development |
| BSAP School Climate and Wellness Personnel Support |
| BSAP-Cul Res Unt Dvt,Ind St Need Asmt (Sch Disc) |
| BSAP-Innovation Capacity Grant (LCAP 7.01) |
| BSAP-Sch Clim Wellness Pers Support (Sch Disc) |
| BS-FA-Mtl Mgmt Br-Truck Op |
| Cafe Supplies-School |
| Cafe Wrkrs School Nutrition Prog-S/B/T-Sch |
| Cafe-Dir Donated Commodities-School |
| Cafe-FA-FSD-Operation |
| Cafe-Other Exp-Cafe |
| Cafeteria Operations Subsidy-Other |
| Cafeteria-Facilities-Admin-Schools |
| Cafeteria-Food-School |
| Cal Partnership Academies Supplemental G1-S |
| California Farm to School Incubator Program-School |
| California Partnership Academies 24&25 G1S |
| Campus Aides-Spec Progs |
| Career & Transition Program |
| CBO-FA-Maint-Drayage |
| CE-NCLB T1 Schools |
| CE-NCLB T1 Sch-Parent Invlmnt |
| CE-TI-A-G Counselor-Sch |
| CE-TI-Prior Yr Adj |
| City of LA Homeless Emergency Aid Program Schl |
| Civic Center Permit - Beyond The Bell |
| Civic Center Permit Program-School |
| Climate Literacy |
| College & Career Access Pathways Grant-S |
| Coordship-Hzdous Mtls Mgmt Pro |
| CTEIG Across All Pathways C |
| CTEIG Across All Pathways S |
| CTEIG PD Across All Pathways C |
| CTEIG-Business Management S |
| CTEIG-Design, Visual, and Media Arts S |
| CTEIG-DVMA-Graphic Design-S |