| | | | | | | | | | | |
| AB 10 Hygiene-Schools |
| Academic Excellence |
| Advance Placement Test Fee |
| A-G Intervention & Credit Recovery-Schools |
| BSAP Community Partnerships |
| BSAP Community-Based Safety Pilots |
| BSAP Culturally Responsive Unit Development |
| BSAP School Climate and Wellness Personnel Support |
| BSAP School Discretionary |
| BS-FA-Mtl Mgmt Br-Truck Op |
| Cafeteria-Food-School |
| Campus Aides-Spec Progs |
| Career & Transition Program |
| CE-NCLB T1 Schools |
| CE-NCLB T1 Sch-Parent Invlmnt |
| CE-TI-A-G Counselor-Sch |
| College & Career Access Pathways Grant-S |
| Edu Eff Summer Professional Development-S |
| EEG_DOI_Summer Prof. Development |
| ELOP Summer Professional Development |
| ELOP-CulturalArtsPassport |
| ELOP-Field Trips Program |
| ELOP-Registration Fee- School Based Prog |
| Engagement and Collaboration |
| FA-Operations-Sch |
| General Fund School Program |
| IMA-Library Fines |
| Instrl Material Blk Grnt-Txtbk |
| Joy and Wellness |
| K-12 Alternative Schedule |
| K12 Norm Tchrs-Sal |
| K12 Norm-Non Instructional |
| Measure R 2017 LAN Equipment Replacement |
| MRR Sch Net Sys Upgrade Ph 2 (349)-OE |
| Optional Preparation Days-Instructional |
| Optional Preparation Days-Non-Instructional |
| Prop 28-Arts Program |
| Proportionality-Campus Aides |
| Pupil Transp.Exp-Aux-Gp-Others |
| RRGM-M & O-School |
| School Nurse |
| SDEP-Donations |
| SDEP-Proceeds Film/Photo Renta |
| SpEd-Resource Specialist Prog |
| Speech & Language Program |
| Student Attendance Incentive Program |
| Tel Exp-Schs |
| Textbooks-New Adoption |
| TIIPG-Mtl Mg-Oper-Drayage-Sch |